Monday, August 01, 2005

Jennifer Garner is pregnant in Alias

According to The New York Daily News, Jennifer Garner's pregnancy is to be written into her TV show Alias.
Stephen McPherson, the programming chief of ABC, says: "We are going to
embrace the fact that she's pregnant. We also don't want to put her in
situations where she's endangering herself and the baby."

So basically Alias will transition from a show about spies
and government espionage into a show about Jennifer Garner lying in bed
eating pickles and ice cream, getting up every 15 minutes or so to pee.
Am I the only one that thinks we've got a winner on our hands? Now that
the main character has a fat belly and can't do anything except waddle
around buying baby clothes, the show is guaranteed to be non-stop
action and drama.


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