Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Robot revolt at San Francisco hospital!

Medical robot

Cue image of fleets of angry mechanoids taking up arms and storming the local health care facility… then dash it
all, as it was really just a single robot gone wild at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Yet
highly troubling nonetheless, as nobody is quite sure what prompted poor, mild-mannered Waldo (who gives robots named
like Waldo?) — a lowly medicine-delivering bot — to run amok and terrorize the cancer ward. Waldo apparently blazed
past the pharmacy and blew into the radiation oncology examining room where a physician was treating a cancer patient
and wouldn’t leave (wouldn’t leave? Don’t these things have an off switch?). It was enough to prompt the
patient to flee the room in terror. What could disturb a robot so deeply? Messy breakup with
EMMA the nursebot?


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