Thursday, June 23, 2005

Tom Cruise is happy. And easily tricked.

In an interview now online on Entertainment Weekly,
Tom Cruise addresses some of his insane tendencies of late, including
flopping around on Oprah, taking shots out of nowhere on Brooke Shields
and his ramped up commitment to Scientology, the only thing that can
save the lost souls here on Teegeeack, or what you humans call “Earth.”
Before anyone is too hard on Tom, just remember that his body is inhabited by the wandering souls of fried space aliens.
So that sucks. And laugh if you want, but once Xenu is freed from his
electronic mountain trap and order is restored to the Galactic
Confederation, (an alliance of 76 planets founded 95 million years ago)
you’re gonna feel pretty silly. No offense all of you who don't believe
in Xenu, but you're kinda makin an ass out of yourself.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

More Veidence of the Pussification of America!

This team kicked out of 11-12 year old youth baseball league for being too good! on.

Columbus Stars pitcher Josh Dameron lets one fly against the Georgian Heights Redhawks

Britney Spears is an idiot

Glamour UK
reports "Britney Spears says her new single is all about having a
child, but Britney says she wrote it two weeks before she discovered
she was pregnant. "I wrote this song at my piano, at my house. I wrote
it two weeks before I found out that I was pregnant, so it was really
kind of weird, because the song's about having a baby … It's kind of
like a prophecy … Everyone in general should voice their wishes more,
because I think the more you throw it out to the universe, if you're in
the right space and place in your life, it's weird how the universe
gives it back to you.”

Someone should probably sit Britney down and explain where babies
come from, cause, correct me if I’m wrong, its not from the Universe
after it heard your crappy song and decided you were ready. "Prophecy"
might not be the only way to predict that unprotected sex with an idiot
hillbilly who is too drunk/stupid to pull out might lead to pregnancy.
It's also charming that someone who has been handed millions like
Britney thinks the reason the rest of us aren’t rich is because we
don’t “voice our wishes more.” Jesus Christ I hate these two. I gotta
get me a bear. And teach it to maul anything in sky blue Fubu and
backwards Yankees hats. And then release it in Malibu. Once chunks of
Kevin showed up in the bears stool, animal control might be pretty
upset, but then I’d explain it was Kevin Federline and we’d all have a
pretty good laugh.

Tom Cruise All Wet

While Cruise was giving an on-the-spot interview at the "War of the Worlds" premiere in London, he was squirted in the face with water. The water came from what appeared to be a microphone. Four men who were part of a freelance camera crew were arrested. They could face assault charges, and thats pretty damn funny to me!
Watch the video here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Robot revolt at San Francisco hospital!

Medical robot

Cue image of fleets of angry mechanoids taking up arms and storming the local health care facility… then dash it
all, as it was really just a single robot gone wild at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Yet
highly troubling nonetheless, as nobody is quite sure what prompted poor, mild-mannered Waldo (who gives robots named
like Waldo?) — a lowly medicine-delivering bot — to run amok and terrorize the cancer ward. Waldo apparently blazed
past the pharmacy and blew into the radiation oncology examining room where a physician was treating a cancer patient
and wouldn’t leave (wouldn’t leave? Don’t these things have an off switch?). It was enough to prompt the
patient to flee the room in terror. What could disturb a robot so deeply? Messy breakup with
EMMA the nursebot?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Force is Strong with This One

This Guy wins a DJ battle with the Star Wars Imperial March! nice!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I am in Corolla, NC for vacation with friends this week. Gonna have some fun and kick back a bit in this laidback seaside town. Had a tire blowout on the way down (rusty tailpipe in the road), but I am once again rolling, so I'll be back soon!